Editorial Design
Corporate Design
Type Design
Art Direction
Moiré Grafik GmbH
Schöneggstrasse 5
CH–8004 Zürich
Jobs and internships:
Sorry, there are no vacancies at this time. Please note that we are not answering to incoming applications.

Moiré is a Zürich based studio for Graphic Design.
Founded in 2000.

Clients (selection):
Bündner Kunstmuseum Chur
Caruso St Johns architects, London
Diesel, Milan
E2A Architekten, Zurich
Ebay Europe, Zurich/London
enSoie, Zurich
Fotomuseum Winterthur
GTA Verlag, ETH, Zurich
Julian Zigerli, Zurich
Kunstverein Hannover
Le Mont St Michel, Paris
Le Plateau/Fac Île-de-France, Paris
Lütjens Padmanbhan Architekten, Zurich
MahN, Musée d'art et d'histoire de Neuchâtel
Marcel Meili Markus Peter Architekten, Zurich
National Museum Zurich
NZZ Libro, Zurich
Oetiker Group, Horgen/worldwide
Parasol unit foundation for contemporary art, London
Regina Gallery, Moscow
Reportagen, Berne
Rotwand gallery, Zurich
Royal College of Art, London
Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt
Sweatshop, Paris
Verlag Scheidegger&Spiess, Zurich
Wanderlust, Paris
Awards (selection):
2016 German Design Award Special
2015 The Type Directors Club, Winner Typeface Design
2014 DAM Architectural Book Award
2013 DAM Architectural Book Award
2009 The Most Beautiful Swiss Books
2008 The Most Beautiful Swiss Books
2008 The Most Beautiful German Books
2005 The Most Beautiful Swiss Books
Exhibitions (selection):
2017 Swiss Style Now, PolyU Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China
2017 Rundumschlag – Plakatausstellung rund um das Thema Architektur, Stuttgart
2016 Swiss Style Now, Lubalin Center / Cooper Union, New York, USA
2016 Swiss Style Now, China Academy or Arts, Hangzhou, China
2016 Swiss Style Now, Westbund Art Center, Shanghai, China
2014 Swiss Style Now, Samwoon Paper Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
2012 100 Jahre Schweizer Grafik, Museum für Gestaltung Zürich
2012 Grösser als Zürich – Kunst in Aussersihl, Helmhaus Zürich
2008 International Poster and Graphic Design Festival Chaumont
Formerly of Moiré:
Ruth Amstutz, Bianca Brunner, Sebastian Fischer, Anja Gindele, William Jacobson, Noël Leu, Markus Reichenbach, Katja Naima Schalcher
Applications for illustration work in Reportagen magazine are welcome. Please send us a Pdf or a link to your website.
Code: Michael Vögeli, multi-vitamin.ch
Portraits: Goran Potkonjak (photograph), Gregory Gilbert-Lodge (drawings)
© Copyright 2018 by Moiré Grafik GmbH.